
Welcome to the updated site. It's been in need of a facelift for a while now. In the spirit of the facelift, I'm cleaning out and restarting the blog, in a way. You can find all the previous posts in my Tumblr blog,, although I'll be reposting them here now and again.
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Dancing Ghost Productions. Socially awkward? Have something to say but are shy? Or just plain have a (in our opinion) fantastic sense of humor? Say it with a Dancing Ghost pun! Illustrated by our own Johnny Rocket. Soon to be in an online store and local brick and mortars as well. (but if you like...
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Being abroad is always an adjustment. No matter how cabin feverish you get at home, looking forward all year to getting out and stretching your legs, it's always hard to adjust to the language, the customs, and the different culture.
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