I decided that this #inktober I’m going to draw one weird sea animal a day. Let’s start off with a wolf trap #seadevil #anglerfish, the Lasignathus amphiramphus. #nautical #illustration #inktober2016Read More
Rough day? Pour a drink, light some incense, maybe a little Ellington LP, and draw really cool fugly fish. #toeachtheirown #anglerfish #lanternfish #sketchbook #illustration #staedtler #moleskine #creativelifeRead More
And suddenly, anglerfish. Specifically for the book. But really any excuse to draw crazy looking animals. #seadevil #anglerfish #deepseafish #fish #nautical #illustration #illustrator #staedtler #forthebook #billybook #childrensbooks #bookartRead More
And suddenly, anglerfish. Specifically for the book. But really any excuse to draw crazy looking animals. #seadevil #anglerfish #deepseafish #fish #nautical #illustration #illustrator #staedtler #forthebook #billybook #childrensbooks #bookartRead More
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